Friday, November 17, 2006

Integrate TLC Tool Management - ITC Integrated Systems Inc.'s software with Infimacs II ERP suite for machine shops - Brief Article

The TLC Tool Management System from ITC Integrated Systems, Inc. is now integrated within the Infimacs II ERP suite. It allows companies to more easily enforce discipline and management control over the flow of tools between one or more tool cribs and the shop floor. Without having to build an interface, Infimacs II users can schedule and reserve critical tools and kits for upcoming production. Calibration instructions and periodic maintenance schedules can be analyzed and enforced. Issues and receipt transactions are logged and appear on reports.

The system provides scheduling and maintenance information based on a tool's usage and duration between repairs. Inspection and warning reports inform the tool crib manager when to pull a gauge, fixture or other item for maintenance.

Versions of the system are offered for small, medium and large organizations, and users can migrate from the smaller versions through upgradesThe Independent Tool Code Standard (ITCS) numbering system standardizes the tooling nomenclature to accommodate both shopfloor users and automated tracking systems. An ITCS database and instructional documentation are provided.

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