Thursday, November 30, 2006

Integrated tool management solution—DLoG

WinTool is a software solution developed to address costs associated with tool logistics and planning, including indirect costs arising from factors such as chaotic tool storage and purchasing conditions, errors in presetting or the use of mediocre cutting data. The software integrates all CAM tool data, as well as presetting gage storage, ERP-system and production data management into a central database. This eliminates "paper traffic" and isolated data tables in different departments, enabling simple tool communication and reduced errors.

Using the software, companies can develop a tool library with complete information about tool components, assemblies and lists, as well as information on 2D/3D geometries, technologies, CNC operations, stock, suppliers and manufacturers. In addition, the company says the software is in sync with industry norms and the latest developments of common CAD/CAM systems, which can help alleviate interface costs caused by integrating with third-party solutions.

To optimize manufacturing for a new NC program, the software accesses detailed tool data--including cutting data from previous jobs--directly out of the CAM system. It then compiles a list of the finished NC program and verifies the availability of all used components. Finally, the program generates 3D tool solids In the shop, operators must calculate a "tool net list" before presetting the job for a machine. Depending on the work, the tool list can be in any format. For example, formats could include a parts list with bar codes for gathering components, a setup sheet for production or a measured tool drawing for presetting. The company says this can increase efficiency by ruling out possible mistakes early in the process and reduce machine downtime caused by tooling issues. In addition, companies will have access to information about quality, operation time and lifetime for future jobs. They also and will be able to analyze and optimize tool usage and waste.

Manufacturers also can use this solution to quantify tool needs directly out of the NC program. In addition, a central "shopping cart" replaces purchase order request forms in all departments, which can simplify coordination. Operators can transmit evaluated demand directly to the ERP system and integrate tool dispensers from suppliers with the software. This is said to allow reduction of tool variety and stock level in the shop and help eliminate administrative overhead.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

New web site is looking good. Thanks for the great effort.